This is a recall for all ex-National Servicemen to “get fell in again” and spend a nostalgic weekend with hundreds of other ex-national servicemen next June.

This year’s included servicemen from the Army, Guards, RAMC, RASC and Signals, from the RAF, the Regiment, Equipment and Instruments and from the Royal Navy, Electrical, just as a small example.

Four star accommodation, a superb fun day on Saturday if you wish, and the choice of one of two parades in the Midlands on Sunday.

Yes, you can parade and march past on either. Don’t remember how to march? Bet you do.

For full details, send name and address and a second class stamp please to me at the address below.

Ladies, you will enjoy this weekend as well.

Look forward to seeing you all next June. A long way off? This weekend always books very quickly, don’t be adrift!

These parades have been held for the last five years and are getting more popular and nostalgic by the year.

Mike Crowe 7 Heath Road Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8PG